Connect with a therapist now

Start with a conversation, leave with a plan.

When life’s got you down, One Stop Talk is here for you.

Children and youth under 18 years of age can instantly connect with a therapist and develop a plan together to move forward and feel better.

Diverse group of youth sitting outside. One smiles, while another looks pensive and concerned.
Free Immediate Counselling

Free therapy sessions
(no appointment required)

Registered, culturally diverse

Connection to
ongoing local support

Confidential and
culturally safe

Feeling isolated, overwhelmed, down or bullied?

Any child or young person under 18 years of age can use One Stop Talk and get connected to ongoing supports, if needed.

Parents/caregivers are welcome to connect to the service with their child to ensure access. Interpretation services are available on request.

Life can already be challenging enough without having to find or wait for mental health support.

One Stop Talk is a free service that immediately connects you to a professional therapist from our network of community-based child, youth and family mental health agencies across Ontario.

Mental health affects us all. And everyone needs a hand from time to time. So, no matter your race, orientation, origin, identity, or struggle – big or small, if it’s important to you, it’s important to us.

Our registered therapists are here to support you.