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One Stop Talk is a free provincial, confidential, virtual counselling support for children and young people (0-17 years of age).

If you are an adult/ caregiver or a parent looking for support, here are some resources that might help, to start with:

Good2Talk is a free, confidential service providing professional counselling, crisis support and information and referrals to post-secondary students in Ontario and Nova Scotia, 24/7.

211 Ontario

211 is a helpline that easily connects people to the social services, programs and community supports they need.

Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French.

Ontario Health:
Ontario Health’s Mental Health and Addictions Centre is working with partners across the health care system to develop programs and resources to support people who need care and their families.

Kids Mental Health:
Kids Mental Health offers informational articles and guides relating to children’s mental health.

Wellness Together Canada:

Wellness Together Canada is a collaborative project with a mission to provide high-quality resources for all. The services range from basic wellness information to one-on-one sessions with a counsellor, to community support.


PLEO is a non-profit family peer support organization for parents whose children to age 25 are facing mental health challenges.

Ontario Caregiver Organization:

The Ontario Caregiver Organization (OCO) exists to support Ontario’s 4 million caregivers; who provide physical and emotional support to a family member, partner, friend or neighbour. OCO supports caregivers by being their one point of access to resources and toolkits. Also, you can call 1-833-416-2273 (CARE) to access the Ontario Caregiver 24-hour Helpline.


Our FIND HELP tool can help you locate your nearest child and youth mental health services. Depending on your needs this can lead you to be able to connect with child and youth mental health professionals that will help you and your family, including psychiatrists, therapists, and psychologists.


Our Family Care Centre is full of resources for parents and caregivers, such as how to help your child or youth with challenges like school avoidance, and anxiety, or how to manage a crisis. Parents for Children’s Mental Health (PCMH) is a network of peer support chapters for parents and caregivers across the province of Ontario – our volunteer Family Peer Supporters are ready to help you connect with other parents who understand what you’re going through and can help you navigate the next steps. You can also email us directly at

While our navigation team helps connect you with mental health service providers from your community, we also have a directory of mental health agencies from all regions across Ontario to support children, youth and caregivers/parents. Click here to view or download the directory.